Vpon 威朋廣告聯播網服務條款

歡迎使用威朋廣告聯播網,感謝您對我們的廣告服務 (下稱「本服務」) 表示興趣!

(1) 本《Vpon威朋廣告聯播網服務條款》(下稱「本服務條款」);
(2) 《Vpon個人資料告知義務聲明》(下稱「個人資料聲明」)(附件一);
(3) 《Vpon開發商合作夥伴數據補充協議》(下稱「數據補充協議」)(附件二);以及
(4) Vpon之Privacy Policy(網址:https://www.vpon.com/zh-hant/privacy-policy/)等相關政策。

本服務條款中的用語定義如下:「您」或「發佈人」意指使用本服務的個人或實體 (和/或依據您的指示、受您控制或受控制您的同一個人或實體指示或控制而代表您的任何個人、代理人、員工、代表人、關係人、母公司、子公司、關係企業、繼承人、關聯實體、受讓人或所有其他個人或實體);「我方」、「我們」、「Vpon」或「威朋」意指威朋大數據股份有限公司,「雙方」係指您和Vpon雙方。

  1. 存取本服務;Vpon 開發者帳戶
  2. 使用本服務前皆須先由您建立Vpon開發者帳戶(下稱「您的帳戶」)並經我方核准。我方有權拒絕或限制您使用本服務。如果您是個人提出申請使用本服務,即表示您至少年滿20歲,且具有完全行為能力。



    加入 Vpon聯播網,意即您准許 Vpon 提供廣告相關之服務 (即「本服務」)。此外,您授權 Vpon 得存取、 建立索引及暫存您的媒體資源或其任何部分媒體資源,包括透過自動處理方式。Vpon 得拒絕向任何媒體資源提供本服務。

  3. 使用本服務
  4. 請勿濫用本服務,例如:請勿干擾本服務或試圖以我們提供的介面和指示以外的方式來存取本服務;使用本服務請符合當地法規命令。


  5. 本服務變更事項;本服務條款變更事項
  6. 我們會不斷改進提升本服務。我們可能隨時對本服務增加或刪除一些功能或特色,亦可能完全暫停或終止某些功能。


  7. 反社會勢力之排除
  8. 雙方(包括雙方當事人及其董事、監察人或任何實質參與經營之專業經理人)對於他方,應保證下列事項:
    (1) 無參與暴力團、暴力團員、暴力團關係企業、犯罪組織及其他反社會勢力(「反社會勢力等」)之情況;
    (2) 並無受反社會勢力等之支配及影響;
    (3) 並無利用反社會勢力等之情事;
    (4) 並無以反社會勢力等之名義,對他方或第三人進行名譽及信用毀損、業務妨害,或不當要求之行為;



  9. 付款
  10. 在Vpon確定您的媒體資源在相關付款對應的整個期限內直至支付之日均遵守本服務條款及其他相關政策時,您將收到按以下各項計費的款項:您的媒體資源中展示廣告的有效點擊次數、廣告的有效展示次數,或與廣告相關而執行的其他有效活動。


    除非經 Vpon 明確書面同意,您不得與第三方達成任何形式的安排,由第三方收受依本服務條款支付給您的款項或與本服務有關的其他財務收益。

    付款將僅根據Vpon的會計計算來支付款項。您確認並同意,您僅有權就使用Vpon已獲廣告商付款的本服務取得付款。如果Vpon因任何原因未收到廣告商的付款或將該等付款返還給廣告商,您無權就本服務的任何相關使用取得付款。再者,若在任何媒體資源上展示廣告的廣告商欠付 Vpon 任何款項,我方可能會預扣付款或從您的帳戶中扣除該款項。

    (1) 在廣告上任何經由人、漫遊器、自動化程式或類似裝置產生的垃圾郵件、無效點擊、無效展示、無效查詢、無效對話或其他無效活動,其中包括從您的 IP 位址或您所控制的電腦產生的任何點擊、展示、查詢、對話或其他活動;
    (2) 以支付金錢、虛偽聲明或要求使用者點擊廣告或採取其他行動而產生的點擊、展示、查詢、對話其他活動;
    (3) 向不能使用 JavaScript 的瀏覽器的使用者傳送廣告或以其他方式篡改廣告投放或測量評估的最終用戶投放的廣告;
    (4) 任何不遵守威朋廣告聯播網政策的媒體資源上發生的任何點擊、展示、查詢、對話或其他活動;及
    (5) 存在綜合上述之大量活動的點擊、展示、查詢、查詢、對話或其他無效活動或存在屬於故意不當行為之無效活動。



    (1) 每月5日前於平台請款申請並上傳收據,方能於次次月 30 日領款(遇假日延後)。
    (2) 撥款方式:銀行匯款。請務必在請款前,確認該帳號銀行匯款資訊是否正確。
    (3) 最低領款標準新臺幣 1,000 元含以上(將自動扣抵新臺幣 30 元銀行手續費)

    a. 個人戶
    (1) 首次請款須請上傳身份證正反面及存摺封面影本。
    (2) 依據中華民國財政部之各類所得扣繳規定,中華民國境內居住之個人扣繳 10%,但應扣稅額不超過 2,000 元者免予扣繳﹔即給付金額超過 20,000 元需扣繳。
    (3) 依據中華民國行政院衛生署中央健康保險局之二代健保法修正案規定,所得人為中華民國境內居住之個人,執行業務所得超過新臺幣 20,000 元者,應予扣繳 2.11% 補充保險費。

    b. 公司戶
    (1) 首次請款須請上傳公司戶存摺封面影本。
    (2) 系統請款金額為發票稅外金額,5%營業稅另計。


  11. 終止、暫停和取得進一步付款的權利
  12. 由於無效活動或您未完全遵守威朋廣告聯播網政策等原因,Vpon可隨時不經警告或提前通知而臨時暫停對您帳戶的進一步付款、暫停或終止任何媒體資源參與本服務或暫停或終止您的帳戶。如果您的帳戶連續閒置6個月或以上,Vpon可終止您參與本服務並關閉您的帳戶。如果Vpon因帳戶閒置而關閉您的帳戶,且您的帳戶反映的餘額等於或超出適用付款限額,我方將根據第5條款中的付款規定向您支付該等餘額。如果Vpon因帳戶閒置而關閉您的帳戶,不妨礙您就使用本服務提出新的申請。

    如果Vpon由於您違反本服務條款(包括但不限於您造成或未能防止任何媒體資源上的無效活動,或您未完全遵守威朋廣告聯播網政策)而終止您的帳戶,您將無權就先前對本服務的任何使用取得Vpon的任何進一步付款。如果您違反本服務條款或Vpon暫停或終止您的帳戶,您將(i)不得建立新帳戶,且(ii)不得利用其他 Vpon 產品上的內容進行營利活動。

    如果您對有關您使用服務有關的任何付款或暫停支付有異議,或者,若Vpon終止您的帳戶而您對該終止有異議,則須在付款、不予付款或終止後30天內書面通知 Vpon。若未通知Vpon,您將放棄與爭議款項或終止相關的任何索償。

    您可隨時透過完成取消帳戶流程來終止對本服務的使用。您的威朋廣告聯播網帳戶將於 Vpon 收到您通知的10 個工作日之後被視為終止。若您終止您的帳戶且您的帳戶反映的餘額相當或超出適用付款限額,我方將於您終止使用本服務之月的月底後約 90 日內根據付款規定向您支付結餘。若您帳戶反映的結餘少於適用付款限額,將無法獲得支付。

  13. 測試
  14. 您授權Vpon定期進行測試之權利,該等測試可能會影響您使用本服務。為確保測試結果的即時性和有效性,您授權Vpon不經通知而進行該等測試。

  15. 智慧財產權;品牌特徵
  16. 除本服務條款另有明確規定外,任何協議一方均不會獲得屬於另一方或另一方之授權方之智慧財產權中的任何權利、所有權或利益。Vpon SDK所發佈之內容,其著作權歸屬於Vpon,如您違反本服務條款使用Vpon的著作物,將會被視為侵害Vpon的著作權。

    如果 Vpon 為您提供服務相關的軟體,即表示我們授予您該軟體非專屬、不可再授權的使用權限。該授權僅在於讓您依本服務條款允許的方式使用和享有 Vpon 服務所提供的各項利益。除了通過Vpon SDK發佈內容,您不得對本服務或軟體的任何部分進行複製、修改、散布、銷售或出租,亦不得與其他SDK或程式碼進行改寫、編譯以及更新創作新的程式碼及進行反向工程或試圖擷取軟體的原始程式碼之行為,除非法律禁止上述限制或您已取得我方的書面許可。您不得移除、遮蓋或更改 Vpon 服務、軟體或文件隨附或所含的 Vpon 版權聲明、品牌特徵、檔案版本說明或其他專有權聲明。


  17. 隱私權
  18. 我們在Vpon個人資料聲明中說明了您在使用本服務時,我們會如何處理您的個人資料以及保護您的隱私。當您使用本服務時,即同意 Vpon 得按該聲明使用您的資料。您和Vpon亦均同意Vpon個人資料聲明。

    當您使用本服務時,即同意 Vpon 處理您的個人資料以及保護您的隱私,若您決定終止服務並且完成取消帳戶流程,我方也會依照隱私保護原則刪除您的相關個人資料。


    關於Vpon SDK收集數據之蒐集、處理、利用等措施,請見Vpon《數據補充協議》。

  19. 保密
  20. 您同意於未取得 Vpon事前書面同意的情況下,不得洩漏Vpon 之機密資訊。「Vpon 機密資訊」包括:
    (a) 與本服務有關之全部 Vpon 軟體、技術與文件資料;
    (b) 本服務中與媒體資源表現有關的廣告點擊率或其他的統計數據;
    (c) 服務中任何非公開試用或試驗功能的存在、相關資料或條款;及
    (d) 經 Vpon 標示為機密或在展示時一般會視為機密的任何其他資訊。
    雙方同意放棄當地法律中任何會限制、約束、請求法院命令或以其他方式約束 Vpon 自行決定終止本服務條款能力的條款。

  21. 賠償
  22. 您同意保護 Vpon及其子公司、代理人和客戶,使其不因媒體資源上所引起或與之相關的原因 (包括因媒體資源上任何非 Vpon 所提供的內容;因您使用本服務或因您違反本服務條款的任何條款),而遭到第三方提起任何及一切的索賠或責任追究。如Vpon及其客戶因媒體資源上任何非Vpon提供內容之相關原因受有損害,您亦須負損害賠償責任。

  23. 聲明、保證、免責聲明
  24. 您聲明並保證:
    (1) 您有充分的權力和權限簽署本服務條款;
    (2) 您是各項媒體資源的所有人,或是媒體資源所有人的法定授權代表;
    (3) 您是各項媒體資源執行本服務相關的技術和編輯決策者,而且您能控制本服務於各項媒體資源上的執行方式;
    (4) Vpon 從未因您違反本服務條款或因無效的點擊活動而終止過或以其他方式禁用您所建立的威朋廣告聯播網帳戶;
    (5) 簽署或執行本服務條款並不會違反您與第三方簽訂的任何協議或侵犯任何第三方的權利;及
    (6) 您提供給 Vpon 的所有資訊均即時且正確。

    除本服務條款另有明確約定外,我們對本服務不作任何保證。Vpon可能拒絕(如果適用)提供廣告及其他內容(合稱「廣告」)。我方不保證每一頁都會接收廣告或Vpon將投放一定數量的廣告。此外,對於本服務的內容、本服務的特定功能或其獲利能力、可靠性、可用性或滿足您其他需求的能力,皆不作任何的承諾。我們所提供的各項服務均按「原樣」(“as is”)提供。

    在法律允許的範圍內,我們排除一切明示、法定或默示的保證。我們明確聲明對非侵權性、可銷售性、針對任何特殊目的之適用性不提供任何保證和條件。如該法定保證或條件適用且不可排除,Vpon 在允許範圍內,對於該等保證或條件所產生的任何索賠而須承擔的責任,應限於是否要再次提供該項服務或再次提供該服務所需的成本費用,上述二者得由 Vpon 自行擇一。

  25. 責任限制
  26. 在法律允許範圍內,除按本服務條款規定的任何賠償義務或您違反有關本服務條款的任何智慧財產權、保密義務和/或專有權益,任一方按本服務條款規定概不負責任何結果性、特殊的、間接的、警示性、懲罰性損害或損失及費用,無論係基於契約、侵權或任何其他法律原理,即使該一方已獲告知該等損害或損失及費用之可能性,且儘管任何有限救濟之基本目的因任何理由無法達成。

  27. 其他條款
  28. (1) 完整協議;修訂:本服務條款即為您使用本服務之完整協議,且在本議題上取代任何口頭之協議。本服務條款之修訂:
    a. 須經由雙方簽署書面文件,明確指出其為修訂本服務條款,或
    b. 在 Vpon 修訂本服務條款後,您同意繼續使用本服務。
    (2) 轉讓:您不得轉讓或移轉本服務條款賦予您的任何權利予任何第三人。
    (3) 獨立締約人:協議雙方均為獨立締約人,且本服務條款並未建立代理、合夥或合資關係。
    (4) 無第三方受益人:除雙方明確書面同意外,本服務條款並無授予任何第三方受益人權利。
    (5) 無放棄權利:除第6條規定外,任一方如未能履行本服務條款的任何條款,並不構成放棄權利。
    (6) 分割條款:若本服務條款某一條款無法強制執行,則本服務條款其他條款仍具完全效力。
    (7) 存續條款:本服務條款中第5條、第6條、第8條、第11條、第12條及第14條於本服務終止後仍繼續有效。
    (8) 準據法;地點:本服務條款所產生或與之有關的一切索賠均以中華民國臺灣法律為準據法,排除衝突法規定適用。雙方同意將本於誠信原則於爭議發生後30天內協商解決與本服務條款相關的任何爭議 (下稱「爭議」) 。如果該爭議在30天內未能獲得解決,雙方合意以臺灣臺北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。
    (9) 不可抗力:雙方對於因合理控制範圍以外之情況下 (例如:天災、戰爭或恐怖活動、暴亂、勞資狀況、政府行為及網路干擾) 所造成的未能履約或延誤均不承擔任何責任。
    (10) 聯絡方式:鑒於您使用本服務,我們會與您聯絡以提供相關服務公告、管理訊息和其他資訊。您也可以在帳戶設定中選擇不接受某些訊息。有關 Vpon 的聯絡資訊,請瀏覽我們的聯絡頁面,或發送電子郵件至我們的電子信箱(partner.service@vpon.com)。


Vpon Advertising Network Privacy Statement

In response to the changes in the social environment and legal regulations and the advancement of technology, Vpon Big Data Group (including our subsidiaries and affiliates) (collectively, “Vpon”, or “we” or “us”) hereby formulates this Privacy Statement applicable to “Vpon Advertising Network” (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”) for the collection, processing, use and protection of users’ personal information or network activities. Vpon attaches great importance to the privacy of customers. The collection, processing and utilization of user data comply with the Personal Data Protection Act and all relevant laws and regulations applicable to the service operating areas, and adhere to the relevant international standards for information security to properly protect and secure users’ personal data. Please see our privacy statement for this Platform and related data protection measures as detailed below.

Article 1 Collection of the Personal Information
  1. When you register for the membership of this Platform, Vpon will collect your personal information based on your identity, including but not limited to your name, company information, nationality, region (including Taiwan and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, such as Japan, Hong Kong, etc.), contact information (e.g., telephone/Email/address), ID number, passport number, bank account information , etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as “personal information”), so as to facilitate the contact and providing our services to you.
  2. The purpose of data collection includes developer identity verification, payment, advertisement delivery, push service, member-related rights and interests notification, and all other possible derivative services in the future.
  3. Data utilization method: In compliance with relevant laws and regulations on personal data protection, use automated processing or other non-automated methods.
  4. Term for data utilization: Until the member requests Vpon to stop processing and/or to delete member account, or when Vpon terminates the service of the Platform.
  5. You can choose whether to provide certain categories of personal data , but if the personal information you refuse to provide are required for business verification or operations, Vpon may not be able to conduct such necessary business verification or operations and thus cannot provide the relevant or certain premier services to you.
Article 2 Processing and the Use of Personal Data
  1. Vpon will process and use the personal information collected from the members within the scope of the purposes for advertisement delivery, push service, member-related rights and interests notification and performance of contracts or similar contractual obligations in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on personal data protection, and properly maintain its security.
  2. Under the following circumstances, Vpon has the right to view member’s information, or provide member’s information to competent authorities or units, or third parties who claim that their rights have been infringed and provide sufficient proof thereof:
    1. According to the provisions of laws and regulations, or according to the orders of judiciary or other legal administrative authorities and units;
    2. In order to enforce the terms of the service agreement, or if the user violates the terms of the service agreement;
    3. To maintain the normal operation and security of the system of the Platform; or
    4. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of Vpon, other users, or other third parties.
  3. The personal information collected by Vpon will be provided to necessary partners (such as banks) based on the principle of minimum information disclosure. Unless otherwise regulated by laws and regulations, or otherwise obtained your consent, we will not disclose your information to any third parties other than the above.
  4. In order to provide continuous services to the members, we will keep the collected data in our server until you submit an application to no longer use the Platform related services and request to remove or delete your membership account and/or your personal information,.
  5. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, in principle, we will only use personal information based on the area authorized by you.
Article 3 Personal Information Security
  1. Vpon promises to provide transaction information systems that comply with mainstream information security technologies (including but not limited to transaction transmission encryption, firewall access control, account authority management) and privacy impact assessment, and have introduced and applied ISO27001 information security management system and ISO27701 privacy management system into our data processing and management of information.
  2. Vpon takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized data access, alteration, disclosure or damage, including but not limited to periodic review and internal audit of data collection, storage, processing measures, and online and physical security measures.
  3. We only allow the authorized personnel to access personal information necessary for the purpose of providing, developing or improving the Platform services. Such personnel have been required to strictly abide by the obligation of confidentiality and internal policies for information security and personal data protection.
  4. If you discover or encounter any errors or omissions in the systems of this Platform, please notify us immediately.
Article 4 Use of Cookies

To improve the Platform services, we use cookie technology to provide the services required by members. Cookie is a function to collect information that allows web servers to identify user data and keep records. You can turn off cookies or delete relevant records in the browser function options, but there may be situations such as failure to log in to the website smoothly or failure to record reservation information.

Article 5 Your rights
  1. You may exercise the following rights against Vpon in relation to your personal information collected by Vpon through this Platform:
    1. Right to make an inquiry of and to review your personal information;
    2. Right to request a copy thereof;
    3. Right to supplement or correct;
    4. Right to demand the cessation of collection, processing or use; and
    5. Right to erase.
  2. After you register as a member of this Platform, if you want to change, correct or supplement the personal information provided to this Platform, please log in to your account online and maintain your membership information updated; if you wish to exercise your rights such as to stop collection, processing or use, to delete Platform account and/or your personal information, to download a copy of your personal information, etc., please directly send your request to partner.service@vpon.com. Vpon will endeavor to reply to your request within 15 working days after receipt of your request and fulfill your request within 30 working days upon your further confirmation and if such request is legitimate.
  3. We will review our data collection, storage and processing practices to ensure that only the personal information necessary to provide or improve our services is collected, stored and processed. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we process is correct, complete and current, but we also rely on users to update or correct their personal information when necessary.
Article 6 Revision and Announcement of this Privacy Statement

This “Vpon Advertising Network Privacy Statement” will be updated from time to time. However, we will not reduce your rights under this Statement without your consent, and if there are changes, most of them will be minor amendments. We will post the most-updated version of this Statement on this web page or notify by email; if the update concerns a major change (such as an amendment to the purpose of data processing), we will provide a specific notice of such change to the users. Please note that, unless otherwise regulated by applicable laws, your continued use, access, and interaction with the Platform following posting of the updated Privacy Statement or our notification of amendment will constitute your acceptance of such changes.

Effective date and version: 2022/12/09_V1.2

Data Supplement for Publisher Partner

  2. 1.1 Except as set out in this Data Supplement for Publisher Partner (“Data Supplement”), the master Agreement (the “Agreement”) and any other agreements already in place between companies of Vpon Big Data Group (“Vpon”) and the Publisher Partner (“Publisher” or “You”) shall continue in full force and effect; In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Data Supplement and the terms and conditions of the Agreement, this Data Supplement shall prevail. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of this Data Supplement, the English version shall prevail. You should refer to Vpon’s privacy policy (available at:https://www.vpon.com/en/privacy-policy/) (“Privacy Policy”) and check from time to time.


    1.2 You acknowledge that in connection with the Agreement, Vpon may collect and receive data (“Service Data”), which includes any information that Vpon collects during the delivery of ads or the performance of obligations under the Agreement, including end users (“End User”)’s device information, End User’s session-based browsing behavior, information about ads served, viewed, or clicked on, and any other data that You elect to provide to Vpon.


    1.3 You acknowledge that Vpon will have the right to: (1) have ownership and all interest of, and shall take necessary measures to protect, Service Data; (2) use Service Data for its business purpose in accordance with its Privacy Policy; (3) use and/or disclose Service Data as may be required by law or legal process; and (4) use and/or disclose Service Data when it is aggregated, such that it does not identify You or End User.

    您瞭解Vpon有權:(1) 擁有Vpon接收及收集之服務數據的所有權,並採取適當措施保護服務數據; (2) 於符合其隱私權政策之前提下,將服務數據應用於其商業目的; (3)受法律或法律程序之要求,使用及/或揭露服務數據;(4) 於不識別終端用戶之前提下,揭露經處理加總後之服務數據。

  3. Privacy Obligations
  4. 2.1 Publisher Partner must conspicuously display and abide by a legally sufficient privacy policy, which must disclose the collection and processing of data by third parties, such as Vpon, for personalized advertising purposes, and refer to third parties’ privacy policy, such as Vpon’s Privacy Policy.

    開發商合作夥伴必須明確的展示出符合法律要求之隱私權政策,該隱私權政策必須揭露第三方(例如Vpon)出於個人化廣告目的收集和處理數據之行為,並參考該第三方之隱私權政策(例如Vpon之隱私權政策) 。

    Publisher Partner must comply with all applicable laws, including those concerning privacy and data protection, and should take into account any applicable self-regulatory regimes that apply to their apps, distribution, data handling and business practices.


    2.2 Where any data or component thereof is considered as Personal Data or Personally Identifiable Information under applicable privacy law, Publisher Partner must provide visible notice to, and where necessary, obtain legally sufficient consent from, the Publisher Partner’s End Users regarding the scope of collection, use, sharing, or other processing of data by Vpon and/or Vpon’s partners for purposes illustrated in Vpon’s Privacy Policy.


    You acknowledge that You have read and understood the integration guide made available to You from time to time including through Vpon’s website (available at: http://wiki.vpon.com). Whenever applicable, you must use our Consent API to pass consent information to Vpon for lawful processing.

    您已經查閱並理解了由 Vpon透過其網站(網址:http://wiki.vpon.com)提供的 SDK 整合手冊。以在適用時,您須使用我方提供的 Consent API,將用戶同意資訊傳遞給Vpon進行合法處理。

  5. Controller Relationship under GDPR
  6. You acknowledge that under General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), when applicable, You and Vpon are each independent controller of the personal data from End Users located in the European Union, EFTA States, and the United Kingdom processed in order to provide the Services and that Vpon and You will individually determine the purposes and means of processing described in this Agreement. In no event will the parties process personal data as joint controllers. Each party shall be individually and separately responsible for the obligations that apply to it as a controller with respect to the processing of Personal Data from End Users located in the European Union, EFTA States, and the United Kingdom.


  7. Prohibitions on Special/Sensitive Personal Data
  8. Publisher Partner may not include in the data that they share with Vpon any special/sensitive Personal Data, such as about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, health, sex life or sexual orientation, criminal convictions or alleged commission of an offense, genetic data or biometric data or use any feature or functionality of Vpon to send, track, infer, or identify such categories of data.


  9. Prohibition on Personal Information from Children Under 13
  10. 5.1 Publisher Partner using Vpon Services must comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) in the collection and use of “Personal Information” (as defined by COPPA) from children under 13 years old, meaning 12 years and younger.


    5.2 Publisher Partner using Vpon Services shall not provide Vpon with data from end users under age 13. Publisher Partner must not register for Vpon’s services if any of their apps are either: (1) directed to children under age 13 (even if children are not the app’s primary audience), or (2) collect information from children that Publisher Partner know are under age 13.

    使用Vpon服務之開發商合作夥伴不應向Vpon提供小於13歲之終端用戶的數據。如開發商合作夥伴的任何應用程序滿足以下條件之一,則不得註冊Vpon的服務:(1)針對小於13歲兒童(即使兒童並非該應用程序之主要受眾),或(2) 開發商合作夥伴明知收集資料之對象為小於13歲兒童。

    5.3 If any of a Publisher Partner’s apps are designed for, or pass information knowingly obtained from, children under age 13, that Publisher Partner is in violation of this Data Supplement and Vpon’s Privacy Policy, that Publisher Partner’s account is subject to immediate termination. Publisher Partner must comply with all applicable laws governing the collection and use of data from children in any other jurisdictions where they have End Users.

